Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dreams and Latent content

I have always had the dream that men in black is going to break into our house and kill my brother.
Meaning:  Brother: Seeing my brother in my dream shows some part of our relationship with my brother.  There may be someone that reminds me of my brother because they have the same characteristics and behaviors as him. Unknown Person: I felt fear and threat from the man in black.

I have had dreams of my friends dying in a car crash and I have fear of my friends leaving me.
Meaning: Fear: You felt like your friends were going to leave you and you needed to tell someone that because it could ruin your life. Dying: I felt this because of being emotionally or mentally unstable in real life and my self esteem is low.

I have seen my sister die multiple times in my dreams and everytime they kill me inside because I have seen it in real life and I don't need to see it again.
Meaning: Past: I keep dreaming this to make sense and have deeper feelings about that event.  I could also be trying to fogive what happened in the past.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

needing to belong

  • Yes it has changed my view on how we treat other people and it really scares me now.  I think everyone should just accept everyone and not have those stupid groups that we "belong" to.
  • I don't think there is because if you are just joking around, the person could still take it literally, but if you  do unacceptable bullying than the person that is bullying is not nice.
  • I could greet some of the kids that are in my classes and wish them a good 4 years!  I could be nice and not be all joking around with freshmen!  I will have my group of people but I could hang with them and help them with school if they need it!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder - Twilight Zone reactions

  • Yes, I was surprised at the end because i thought it would be switched, that the girl would be ugly, and the other people were going to look like humans.
  • Yes, beauty is subjective because everyone has there own taste and style for beauty.  Yes beauty does change because you don't look exactly like what you did when you were younger, so your beauty does change throughout your years of your life!
  • What I have seen with guys is that you have to be perfect, beautiful, and skinny; but this is not realistic because not all girls can be perfect, skinny, and beautiful.  Also that does not include the girls that are just a little bigger and they could be perfect or beautiful, they don't all have to be skinny because skinny is just a stereotype.  If that is all a guy looks for then good luck trying to find your someone if your going to keep that stereotype.

The lobotomist

Summarize "The Lobotomist" in 1 to 2 sentences.
Is Walter Freeman a good doctor or a "mad man?"

Walter Freeman made a surgical procedure called "The Lobotomist."  The lobotomist was a procedure where he would stick a picker into the back of your eye and scrap the brain with it like a windshield wiper.  Personallly I think he is a mad man, yes he did cure people of depression and the needing to hurt themselves, but the way he did it by ruining the brain was not a smart idea because he could hit the wrong place in the brain and not cure them, which did happen.  When he finally killed someone it sounds like he didn't really care that's why he packed up and went to his next meeting, that would really hurt someone's family if they found out that he didn't really care that the picker slipped and killed the person he was working on.  I don't think he knows how much he is risking other people's lives because he could kill the person or just not cure them or (with a very slim chance) he could cure them.  No one should have there head operated on because that could just ruin there life and the only time your head should be operated on is if your dead because otherwise you could damage there skills that they have or something important to them like memory.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Outrageous Celebrity"

Name: Akon

Behaviors Exhibited: Club dancing,  unsuccessful relationships, hard social life, low confidence for himself, and being depressed.

Because Akon was taught to listen to his dad and play multiple instruments at a time, he now has a hard time with his social life.

Akon thought that if he acts happy around everyone that they will assume that he is happy with his life and really inside he isn't.

Neurotransmitters in Akon's brain was making him depressed and now after a lot of counseling he is doing better and on medication.

Akon thinks to be a better singer that he has to move his way up and sing with better and better artists and this makes him believe that people will love his music more.

Akon keeps getting into the news because of when he gets depressed and makes stupid moves (for example: dances at a club with a 15 year old, hurts people, etc...) that ends him up in jail.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Blog Post #1 (Introduce yourself)

How do I introduce myself?  Well, I am a very independent person and I am very shy.  I wanted to take this class because of the mental illnesses part, so I can learn more about myself!  I am hoping when i am done with this class that i can be more out going and not so shy.  The only reason I am scared to show myself right now is because i don't know what people will think of me.  Things I like to do are hang with friends, play call of duty, draw, write lyrics, and sing!  Things that make me tick are when people start drama with me, or they talk about me behind my back.  When I am done with high school i plan to go to Fox Valley Technical college for architecture because I want to draw the plans for building houses and companies or I would like to go University of Wisconsin in Madison because I would like to be a zoologist, so I can study animals!  My favorite thing about living is that there are always new animals to discover and explore!