Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Outrageous Celebrity"

Name: Akon

Behaviors Exhibited: Club dancing,  unsuccessful relationships, hard social life, low confidence for himself, and being depressed.

Because Akon was taught to listen to his dad and play multiple instruments at a time, he now has a hard time with his social life.

Akon thought that if he acts happy around everyone that they will assume that he is happy with his life and really inside he isn't.

Neurotransmitters in Akon's brain was making him depressed and now after a lot of counseling he is doing better and on medication.

Akon thinks to be a better singer that he has to move his way up and sing with better and better artists and this makes him believe that people will love his music more.

Akon keeps getting into the news because of when he gets depressed and makes stupid moves (for example: dances at a club with a 15 year old, hurts people, etc...) that ends him up in jail.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Blog Post #1 (Introduce yourself)

How do I introduce myself?  Well, I am a very independent person and I am very shy.  I wanted to take this class because of the mental illnesses part, so I can learn more about myself!  I am hoping when i am done with this class that i can be more out going and not so shy.  The only reason I am scared to show myself right now is because i don't know what people will think of me.  Things I like to do are hang with friends, play call of duty, draw, write lyrics, and sing!  Things that make me tick are when people start drama with me, or they talk about me behind my back.  When I am done with high school i plan to go to Fox Valley Technical college for architecture because I want to draw the plans for building houses and companies or I would like to go University of Wisconsin in Madison because I would like to be a zoologist, so I can study animals!  My favorite thing about living is that there are always new animals to discover and explore!